Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Sebagai new comer di dunia advertising, gue binggung banget (sampe jadi stress dan kesal) membuat porto folio. Dengan background pendidikan desain komunikasi visual, mustinya sih kalau masuk advertising jadi art director. Tapi hati kecil pembelot ini maunya jadi copywriter.

Awal tahun lalu dengan modal nekad seorang fresh grad, gue membuat portfolio memakai program director (yang apa adanya banget) yang mencantumkan pekerjaan freelance dan intership jaman masih jadi mahasiswa. Dari hasil menyortir kadar kelayakan, terkumpulah 12 desain (saat itu, awal tahun 2005) yang dianggap layak untuk dipamerkan.

Masih dengan kadar nekat menjurus ke arah ngga tahu diri, gue kirim portofolio tadi dengan rasa gak pede tapi penasaran –yaudah apabolehbuat- (bak saat menonton filem horror sekelas the eye) ke sebuah kantor advertising multinasional.

Abrakabra jreng jreng, dengan keajaiban ibu peri buaya putih, seminggu kemudian sang creative director menilpun dan menyatakan ketertarikannya karena seorang dengan portfolio art mau jadi copywriter. Dilanjutkan dengan sebuah tes kecil, datanglah gue ke kantor itu untuk mengikuti interview.

Dalam waktu 2minggu sesudahnya, porto grafis yang fancy itu (bener2 fancy, karena ada bunga-bunga ala vektor junkie) menghantarkan gue ke meja seorang copywriter.

Dan kini, di penghujung tahun setelah meninggalkan kantor advertising pertamaku (yang sangat nyaman dan telah mendidik si fresh grad tadi menjadi grad yang gak fresh lagi tapi lebih matang dalam berpikir) terhamparlah lagi gue di kamar, di depan computer, dengan hamburan kertas bertorehkan ide-ide dan sketsa konsep, karton 325gram dan skotak peralatan perang (berisi pensil, spidol snowman, penghapus karet, penggaris besi, penggaris biasa, kater, gunting, lem , spraymount yang udah sekarat, rautan, spidol copic, double tape dan solatip) berjuang membuat portofolio lagi.

Tapi…rasanya koq tiba-tiba terserang portolexia*. Itu loh…penyakit yang kayanya semua portofolionya sudah ada, tapi bagaimana ya menyusunnya? Karena semuanya terasa seperti terbang-terbang mengitari diriku dan susah sekali menangkapnya (kan mereka terbang…)

Dan lagi, kenekat’an yang dulu sudah tidak bisa dilakukan lagi bukan? Cmmon darling…kamu lulus 1 tahun yang lalu.

Akhirnya, memutuskan : portolexia mungkin bisa diobati dengan 1 botol Pringles, sekaleng pocari sweat dan setumpuk dvd everybody loves Raymond.

*portolexia : disturbance in the ability to make portfolio.

tous les visages de l’amour

May be the face I can’t forget
A trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day.

May be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
A smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell

She who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one’s allowed to see them when they cry
She may be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
That I’ll remember till the day I die

May be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I’m alive
The one I’ll care for through the rough and ready years
Me I’ll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I’ve got to be
The meaning of my life is

happy birthday dearest mommy.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Kejadian waktu outing kantor di Bali
Pagi-pagi sarapan di restoran

Saya : hey mbak c, makan apa? (sambil bawa satu piring berisi 4 potong sosis, 3 sendok scrambled egg dan 2 potong French toast)
Mbak C : ini, French toast sama teh manis
gue : oh, iya aku mau ambil teh manis juga
R: hey vine, C, mau buah gak?
gue : thanks R, nanti aku ambil sendiri aja, kamu gak makan apa-apa lagi?
R: enggalah, kalo masih pagi kan belom laper2 banget, ya gak?
Mbak C : iya, aku makan roti gini juga kenyang
gue : terdiam... (sambil berpikir : masa sih?)

M : hey mur, gue ambil corn flakes dulu ya
Mbak C dan R : kita ke kamar duluan ya, udah mau jalan soalnya
gue : iya deh
Gak lama kemudian mas restoran dateng membersihkan meja
M : loe makan apa mur?
gue : umm..kayanya mau ambil bubur deh
M : oh okey! Gue ntar juga mao ambil French toast
gue : okey! Enak loh! Jangan lupa pake sosis juga sama kentang goreng ntar gue mao (sambil mikir, yess! Si M juga lumayan rakus)
M : gimana buburnya? Enak?
gue: lumayan, eh kentangnya enak ya? Gue mau lagi ah (sambil jalan mengambil sepiring kentang goreng)

dan seterusnya…sampai hampir semua makanan (lebih tepatnya tinggal kue-kue kecil aja yang gak gue makan, karena gue gak terlalu suka manis) di restoran hotel dicicipi semua.
Dan piring2 yang tertumpuk di meja hampir menutupi muka.

M : kenyang banget ya?
Gue : hmm…lumayan deh (I meant it)
M : yaudah kita mandi dulu yuk, ntar jam9 udah mau jalan loh

Mandi, dll
M : mur, katanya ngumpulnya di restoran lagi
Gue : oh, yaudah

Sampai di restoran
Gue : M, lo mau onion ring ngga?
M : boleh juga
Setelah onion ring habis, ternyata ada omelet, susu dan waffle fries yang menjadi sasaran berikutnya.

Berangkat ke Ubud jam 10. dan jam 12…udah laper lagi…

Dengan perasaan malu mulai menyalahkan siklus PMS.
Ternyata, kemarin pas beres2 akte2 menemukan buku observasi masa playgroup
Dan di dalam 3 buku itu tertulis perilaku di kelas. Isi beda2 di tiap buku, kecuali 1 komentar yang selalu sama :
Irvine sangat suka makan bersama, dan selalu minta tambah.
Emang bawaan orok ternyata…

Curhat hari ini di telepon sama W (sahabat terdekat)

W : emang separah apa sih stress lo?
Gue : udah berapa hari ini, gue gak nafsu makan. Makan Cuma 1 kali sehari
W : oh my goodness…this is so f*cking serious…

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

t od ay sh ou ld bet ter be an of f da y. ..

because :

1. elson bought me a playing card pack from singapore with some jokes about "sex after 40" on the deck, and we play it before lunch and after lunch.

2. many chairs are unseated

3. we went to plaza indonesia for lunch from 11.30am - 3.15pm

3. after lunch we plan to go to sarinah right on time on office off hour (5.30 pm)

4. i am doing this posting

5. it only took 45mins from home to office (usually 90mins)

6. so many spaces in parking area

7. rani asking to "the book of answer" whether we could go home now or not, then followed by joni and max for the same question until the answer is yes.

8. everybody start to think of any questions to "the book of answer" like : will i be the boss?

9. adam still wear his sunglasses (come on, it is an indoor office and the lights are out)

10. this is my last 2days in this loveable office

10. it is so holidaysssss

11. please...isnt it?

oh right...i think it SHOULD be

by the way...i'm surely gonna miss this office, the so relaxing people, so warm, so homelike and oh so familylike people

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

is it true that you can make out in elevator?
In my younger age, I always thought how cool it was gonna be to go working by elevator. You go into a tall building and reach the office by elevator. So many Hollywood movies told you so, the sexy lady with loads of work paper hurrying press the elevator button or standing elegantly waiting for the elevator and make out on elevator was believed as one Hollywood favorite story!Now, in fact I am working on 26th floor. And every time I have to going by elevator I felt like a boring time! I mean, you are with mostly strangers in a 2x2 meters space and it never is good also when you are with some friends. It is like trapped in a wrong situation. And it is killing if you were late and the elevator’s stopped in every floor! Some lazy people would never understand the use of emergency exit and believe it is faster and better to use elevator even if it is only 1 floor to go! C’mon people! It felt just like in a shrink ship if the elevator had to stop in every floor for 10 floors! And FYI, after 6 months rumble around the elevator I never once trapped with any cute guys. So, to make yourself happier, it’s better to think of things you can do in elevator than whining on it. And here come the things:
1. If there were only you and one guy. Slowly moved behind the guy and touch his shoulder, then pretend that you knew nothing.
2. Press the elevator button and pretend that you were electrified. Then make an “it’s ok” smile and do it again.
3. Bring a digital camera and take picture with everyone on elevator.
4. Move a desk into the elevator and every time someone comes in, ask if they already made an appointment.
5. Take an empty box (could be an aqua box) and put it on the corner, and ask people on elevator if they heard any ticking sound from the box.
6. pretend to be a stewardess and show the safety procedure.
7. When the elevator closed, stand up straight and said: “don’t panic! It would be opened soon!”
8. Stand still on the corner facing the elevator wall. Don’t move at all.
9. bring a puppet and pretend to be a ventriloquist (if possible, try to make conversation with others)
10. Make your own area with chalk and write it as: MY AREA, MAKE DISTANCE!
Moral of the story: never believe Hollywood (well anyway…it’s Hollywood! What to say actually?)